Monday, May 18, 2020

Migration Interview Project Human Geography 230

Kelsey Myers Migration Interview Project Human Geography 230 Margo Kleinfeld October 4th 2014 El Salvador is a small, yet highly dense populated country in Central America. About 1.5 million people from El Salvador live and work in the United States currently. In the year 1979, a civil war began in El Salvador that went on for fourteen years, before ending in 1992. During this civil war, an estimated 25% of the population of El Salvador fled to the United States seeking safety and better job opportunities. What you are about to read is the story (This is the story) of one of those Salvadorians, my very close friend Fermin. Fermin lived in the country of El Salvador growing up. He lived with his grandparents and siblings in a very small house out on the very edge of town. This house was about10x 20 feet. It was one room with a dirt floor. The house was made up of ridged metal, and was not insulated. He said on summer days sometimes the temperature in the house would feel like it was 200 degrees. They did not have beds, a kitchen table or even a bathroom or outhouse. They slept on the floor, they ate on the floor and they would go to the bathroom outside in the woods and in fields. The life he lived in El Salvador was a very simple life compared to the lives we live here in the United States. They made almost everything that they had, they would make clothes, shoes, and they would grow their own food. They would even make their own alcohol, which they called chichi (theShow MoreRelatedWe Must Put and End to Human Trafficking Essay4110 Words   |  17 Pagesacknowledge the fact that slavery exists within their borders. Slavery in its most heinous form lurks in the dark corners of every society. Human trafficking is without a doubt one of the most monstrous offenses against human rights that occurs today. 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